Gestaltlupe ----------------- Gestaltlupe ist a scientific tool to render tomographic functions. A tomographic function T(p) (p is a point p=(x,y,z) in R^3) returns either true or false. The rendering interpreted this as formula description of an arbitrary object in the 3D space. This means: T(p)=true, if and only if p is inside the object. Installation -------------- Gestaltlupe is available at GitHub at: The corresponding Version 1.0.2, which is documented here, can be found at: On this page you have to click “raw” to get the binary. But the recommended way to work with Gestaltlupe is to download the full archive file (the big “Download” button at ). The archive contains the binaries and sample projects with the corresponding formulas. Windows ------------ Gestaltlupe is developed and tested with WindowsXP and Windows7. It is a native .NET 2.0 application. Double click on Gestaltlupe_1_0_2.exe , choose Tab “file”, load an sample project and press the button “preview” to get after a short time a small picture of the given 3D object, or press "start" to render a bitmap in full resolution. Linux: -------- To run Gestaltlupe on a Linux system, you have to install the mono package ( ). It is tested on a Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04.3 LTS. It runs without problems, but looks more ugly than the windows version (Yes, that is possible). Mac OSX: ------------- It is tested on a Mac OSX 10.6. with Mono 2.8 . It can produce some nice pictures, but working is a pain, because some windows forms are not redrawn properly (Gestaltlupe is compatible to the Windows.Forms library 2.0).
Representation of tomographic data. This tool can be used to explore the mandelbulb fractal.