
Some elementary (xe)tex templates and css files for Pandoc, for use with latex-custom-kjh

Pandoc Templates, CSS files, and a shell script for use with Marked.app


Some very rudimentary Pandoc templates, meant to go in ~/.pandoc/templates, be pointed to directly with the --template= or --css switches as appropriate, and used with what's provided in latex-custom-kjh. I also set pandoc up to work with the Marked app, a handy HTML live previewer for .md files.

I use these files together with my Social Science Starter Kit for Emacs.


  • The xetex template is meant to be used with everything provided in latex-custom-kjh. If you rename article-xelatex.template or referee-xelatex.template to latex.template in ~/.pandoc/templates/ it will override pandoc's default template (and very likely break any setup that doesn't look just like mine).
  • The css files in the marked/ folder are meant to be used together with pandoc and Marked. The shell script in there, panmarked.sh is what I tell Marked to use to create its HTML. You point to it in Marked > Preferences > Behavior. The CSS files can be added in Marked > Style > Custom CSS.
  • The configuration file in the knitr/ folder is an example to help you produce HTML or .tex from inside R, using knitr and its pandoc() helper function.


Kieran Healy, kjhealy@gmail.com