Kesp is Kotlin Symbol Processor for Exposed SQL DSL. It generates for you DTOs, table mappings and a CRUD repository for an Exposed table.
- generates table mappings and functions
- generates data classes and interfaces
- generates a CRUD repository
- generates mappings for table projections
- copies KDoc from columns to data class fields
- you can use any custom columns, unlike libraries where you define a data class and only a table with supported build-in columns is generated
- generates DAOs
specifies that code generation will be run for the table@Projection
specifies for which table projection functions should be generated@Id
specifies the primary key of a table. Can be applied to multiple columns.@GeneratedValue
specifies that the column value is generated by a database.@ForeignKey
specifies that the column is foreign key.
Our table might look like the following:
/** User account */
object UserTable : LongIdTable("users") {
* Username
val username = varchar("username", 255)
/** User password */
val password = varchar("password", 255)
/** Day of birth */
val birthDate = date("birth_date").nullable()
/** Account creation time */
val createdAt = timestamp("created_at").defaultExpression(CurrentTimestamp())
To create mapping functions, DTOs and CRUD repository you simply need to add the @ExposedTable
annotation above the target table.
We also need to add @GeneratedValue
annotation above the createdAt
column because it's generated on a database side.
/** User account */
@Projection(UserDto::class, updateFunction = true)
object UserTable : LongIdTable("users") {
* Username
val username = varchar("username", 255)
/** User password */
val password = varchar("password", 255)
/** Day of birth */
val birthDate = date("birth_date").nullable()
/** Account creation time */
val createdAt = timestamp("created_at").defaultExpression(CurrentTimestamp())
When we build the project we'll have:
- Interfaces and data classes:
represent the row model for creating an entry in the tableUserTableFull
represent the full table model used to read from the table
* User account
public interface UserTableCreate {
* Username
public val username: String
* User password
public val password: String
* Day of birth
public val birthDate: LocalDate?
* User account
public data class UserTableCreateDto(
* Username
public override val username: String,
* User password
public override val password: String,
* Day of birth
public override val birthDate: LocalDate? = null,
) : UserTableCreate
* User account
public interface UserTableFull : UserTableCreate {
public val id: Long
* Account creation time
public val createdAt: Instant
* User account
public data class UserTableFullDto(
public override val id: Long,
* Username
public override val username: String,
* User password
public override val password: String,
* Day of birth
public override val birthDate: LocalDate? = null,
* Account creation time
public override val createdAt: Instant,
) : UserTableFull
- "to" and "from" mapping extension functions for
public fun ResultRow.toUserTableFullDto(): UserTableFullDto = UserTableFullDto(
id = this[].value,
username = this[UserTable.username],
password = this[UserTable.password],
birthDate = this[UserTable.birthDate],
createdAt = this[UserTable.createdAt],
public fun ResultRow.toUserTableFullDto(alias: Alias<UserTable>): UserTableFullDto =
id = this[alias[]].value,
username = this[alias[UserTable.username]],
password = this[alias[UserTable.password]],
birthDate = this[alias[UserTable.birthDate]],
createdAt = this[alias[UserTable.createdAt]],
public fun Iterable<ResultRow>.toUserTableFullDtoList(): List<UserTableFullDto> = map {
public fun Iterable<ResultRow>.toUserTableFullDtoList(alias: Alias<UserTable>):
List<UserTableFullDto> = map {
public fun UpdateBuilder<*>.fromDto(dto: UserTableCreate): Unit {
this[UserTable.username] = dto.username
this[UserTable.password] = dto.password
this[UserTable.birthDate] = dto.birthDate
public fun UpdateBuilder<*>.fromDto(
username: String,
password: String,
birthDate: LocalDate? = null,
): Unit {
this[UserTable.username] = username
this[UserTable.password] = password
this[UserTable.birthDate] = birthDate
extension functions for the table
public fun UserTable.insertDto(dto: UserTableCreate): Long = UserTable.insertAndGetId {
public fun UserTable.updateDto(id: Long, dto: UserTableCreate): Int =
UserTable.update({}) {
public fun UserTable.insertDto(
username: String,
password: String,
birthDate: LocalDate? = null,
): Long = UserTable.insertAndGetId {
username = username,
password = password,
birthDate = birthDate,
public fun UserTable.updateDto(
id: Long,
username: String,
password: String,
birthDate: LocalDate? = null,
): Int = UserTable.update({}) {
username = username,
password = password,
birthDate = birthDate,
- CRUD repository
public open class UserTableRepository {
public fun find(configure: Query.() -> Unit = {},
`where`: (SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>)? = null): List<UserTableFullDto> {
return transaction {
if (where != null) {
} else {
public fun findOne(`where`: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>): UserTableFullDto? {
return find(where = where).singleOrNull()
public fun findById(id: Long): UserTableFullDto? {
return findOne {
public fun create(dto: UserTableCreate): Long = transaction {
public fun update(id: Long, dto: UserTableCreate): Int = transaction {
UserTable.updateDto(id, dto)
public fun deleteById(id: Long): Int = delete {
public fun delete(`where`: UserTable.(ISqlExpressionBuilder) -> Op<Boolean>): Int {
return transaction {
UserTable.deleteWhere {
To create mapping functions and CRUD repository for a table projection,
you need to add the @Projection
annotation above the target table and point to a projection KClass
/** User account */
@Projection(UserDto::class, updateFunction = true)
object UserTable : LongIdTable("users") {
* Username
val username = varchar("username", 255)
/** User password */
val password = varchar("password", 255)
/** Day of birth */
val birthDate = date("birth_date").nullable()
/** Account creation time */
val createdAt = timestamp("created_at").defaultExpression(CurrentTimestamp())
data class UserDto(
val id: Long,
val username: String,
After build the project we'll have additional functions:
- "to" mapping extension functions for
public fun ResultRow.toUserDto(): UserDto = UserDto(
id = this[].value,
username = this[UserTable.username],
public fun ResultRow.toUserDto(alias: Alias<UserTable>): UserDto = UserDto(
id = this[alias[]].value,
username = this[alias[UserTable.username]],
- if the
updateFunction = true
is set in theProjection
annotation, it will be generated "from" mapping extension function
public fun UpdateBuilder<*>.fromDto(dto: UserDto): Unit {
this[UserTable.username] = dto.username
- and the CRUD repository will look like this
public open class UserTableRepository {
public fun find(configure: Query.() -> Unit = {},
`where`: (SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>)? = null): List<UserTableFullDto> {
return transaction {
if (where != null) {
} else {
public fun findUserDto(configure: Query.() -> Unit = {},
`where`: (SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>)? = null): List<UserDto> {
return transaction {
if (where != null) {
} else {
public fun findOne(`where`: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>): UserTableFullDto? {
return find(where = where).singleOrNull()
public fun findById(id: Long): UserTableFullDto? {
return findOne {
public fun create(dto: UserTableCreate): Long = transaction {
public fun update(id: Long, dto: UserTableCreate): Int = transaction {
UserTable.updateDto(id, dto)
public fun updateUserDto(id: Long, dto: UserDto): Int = transaction {
UserTable.updateDto(id, dto)
public fun deleteById(id: Long): Int = delete {
public fun delete(`where`: UserTable.(ISqlExpressionBuilder) -> Op<Boolean>): Int {
return transaction {
UserTable.deleteWhere {
You can find a complete project example in the example
To generate a DAO for a table, you need to set the generateDao = true
in the @ExposedTable
@ExposedTable(generateDao = true)
object ArticleTable : IntIdTable() {
val title = text("title")
val userId = reference("user_id", UserTable)
val createdAt = timestamp("created_at")
@ExposedTable(generateDao = true)
object CommentTable : IntIdTable() {
/** Annotation [ForeignKey] is not required if column type is simple `Column<Int>` */
val articleId = integer("article_id").references(
val message = text("message")
/** Annotation [ForeignKey] is required if column type is `Column<Entity<*>>` */
val userId = reference("user_id", UserTable)
@ExposedTable(generateDao = true)
object UserTable : IntIdTable("users") {
val username = text("username")
Custom DAO:
class ArticleDao(id: EntityID<Int>) : ArticleTableDaoBase(id) {
companion object : EntityClass<Int, ArticleDao>(ArticleTable)
var user by UserTableDao referencedOn ArticleTable.userId
Generated code:
public abstract class ArticleTableDaoBase(
id: EntityID<Int>,
) : Entity<Int>(id) {
public var title: String by ArticleTable.title
public var userId: EntityID<Int> by ArticleTable.userId
public val createdAt: Instant by ArticleTable.createdAt
public class ArticleTableDao(
id: EntityID<Int>,
) : ArticleTableDaoBase(id) {
public companion object : EntityClass<Int, ArticleTableDao>(ArticleTable)
public fun ArticleTableDaoBase.fromDto(dto: ArticleTableCreate): Unit {
this.title = dto.title
this.userId = DaoEntityID(dto.userId, UserTable)
public fun ArticleTableDaoBase.toArticleTableFullDto(): ArticleTableFullDto = ArticleTableFullDto(
id = id.value,
title = title,
userId = userId.value,
createdAt = createdAt,
public fun Iterable<ArticleTableDaoBase>.toArticleTableFullDtoList(): List<ArticleTableFullDto> = map {
public abstract class UserTableDaoBase(
id: EntityID<Int>,
) : Entity<Int>(id) {
public var username: String by UserTable.username
public class UserTableDao(
id: EntityID<Int>,
) : UserTableDaoBase(id) {
public companion object : EntityClass<Int, UserTableDao>(UserTable)
public fun UserTableDaoBase.fromDto(dto: UserTableCreate): Unit {
this.username = dto.username
public fun UserTableDaoBase.toUserTableFullDto(): UserTableFullDto = UserTableFullDto(
id = id.value,
username = username,
public fun Iterable<UserTableDaoBase>.toUserTableFullDtoList(): List<UserTableFullDto> = map {
public abstract class CommentTableDaoBase(
id: EntityID<Int>,
) : Entity<Int>(id) {
public var articleId: Int by CommentTable.articleId
public var message: String by CommentTable.message
public var userId: EntityID<Int> by CommentTable.userId
public class CommentTableDao(
id: EntityID<Int>,
) : CommentTableDaoBase(id) {
public companion object : EntityClass<Int, CommentTableDao>(CommentTable)
public fun CommentTableDaoBase.fromDto(dto: CommentTableCreate): Unit {
this.articleId = dto.articleId
this.message = dto.message
this.userId = DaoEntityID(dto.userId, UserTable)
public fun CommentTableDaoBase.toCommentTableFullDto(): CommentTableFullDto = CommentTableFullDto(
id = id.value,
articleId = articleId,
message = message,
userId = userId.value,
public fun Iterable<CommentTableDaoBase>.toCommentTableFullDtoList(): List<CommentTableFullDto> = map {
Add KSP plugin to your module's build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("") version "1.7.22-1.0.8"
Add Maven Central
to the repositories blocks in your project's build.gradle.kts
repositories {
Add kesp
dependencies {
To create DTO with the kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
annotation, add to build.gradle.kts
ksp {
arg("kesp.kotlinxSerialization", "true")
Generated source files are registered automatically since KSP 1.8.0-1.0.9. If you're using KSP 1.0.9 or newer and don't need to make the IDE aware of generated resources, feel free to skip following instructions.
To access generated code from KSP (before 1.8.0-1.0.9), you need to set up the source path into your module's build.gradle.kts
sourceSets.configureEach {
Copyright 2022 Sergey Shumov
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.