
Modified edition of cuckoo

Primary LanguagePython

This fork aims to continue the work of the heavily modified version of Cuckoo Sandbox provided under the GPL by Optiv, Inc.

It offers a number of advantages over the upstream Cuckoo:

  • Fully-normalized file and registry names
  • 64-bit analysis
  • Handling of WoW64 filesystem redirection
  • Many additional API hooks
  • Service monitoring
  • Correlates API calls to malware call chains
  • Ability to follow APC injection and stealth explorer injection
  • Pretty-printed API flags
  • Per-analysis Tor support
  • Over 150 new signature modules (over 75 developed solely by Optiv)
  • Anti-anti-sandbox and anti-anti-VM techniques built-in
  • More stable hooking
  • Ability to restore removed hooks
  • Greatly improved behavioral analysis and signature module API
  • Ability to post comments about analyses
  • Deep hooks in IE's JavaScript and DOM engines usable for Exploit Kit identification
  • Automatic extraction and submission of interesting files from ZIPs, RARs, RFC 2822 emails (.eml), and Outlook .msg files
  • Direct submission of AV quarantine files (Forefront, McAfee, Trend Micro, Kaspersky, MalwareBytes, MSE/SCEP, and SEP12 formats currently supported)
  • Automatic malware classification by Malheur
  • Significant contributions from Jeremy Hedges, William Metcalf, and Kevin Ross
  • Hundreds of other bugfixes

For more information on the initial set of changes, see: http://www.accuvant.com/blog/improving-reliability-of-sandbox-results

If you want to contribute to development, feel free to submit a pull request.