
Trading bots made for fun and to lose money

Primary LanguagePython

Biggy Gains

Biggy Gains is a trading bot being developed by myself and my friend Chris just for fun. This repository contains the environment layer used by the bots to interact with their world, as well as the bots themselves. Live trading and live paper trading will be done with Alpaca.


Create virtual environment:

virtualenv venv

Activate your virtual environment:

# Windows
source venv/Scripts/activate
# Linux/OSX
source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run tests:

python -m unittest discover -s tests


Biggy Gains is organized into two main components; Environment and Bot. Environment is the main interaction point between the Bot and the real world. This allows historical back-testing, live paper trading, and live trading to all be done without any code change in the bot being used. All that needs to be done is swap the Environment. Both the Environment and Bot are specified as command line options.


The following options are able to be set through environment variables or the command line. Values passed in via the command line always override values in environment variables.

  • REDDIT_KEY (--reddit-key): Key id used to connect to Reddit. Required for LiveEnvironment
  • REDDIT_SECRET (--reddit-secret): Key secret used to connect to Reddit. Required for LiveEnvironment
  • ALPACA_URL (--alpaca-url): Endpoint to make trades through. Paper or live. Required for LiveEnvironment
  • ALPACA_KEY (--alpaca-key): Key id to connect to Alpaca with. Required for LiveEnvironment
  • ALPACA_SECRET (--alpaca-secret): Key secret to connect to Alpaca with. Required for LiveEnvironment

Run python main.py --help for full configuration options.

Starting Biggy Gains

Biggy gains may be ran with the following command:

python main.py [configuration parameters] <environment> <bot> <datastore>

Environment is one of:

  • live: Live environment. Connects to Reddit and Alpaca and supports both real and paper trading
  • More to come...

Bot is one of:

  • ben_sentiment_bot: Gathers sentiment data from Reddit and trades the most positive securities
  • More to come...

Datastore is one of:

  • memory: In memory datastore with no persistence. Good for testing
  • More to come...


Due to the need for labeled data sets and trained models several tools are contained within this repository. Implemented so far are:

  • Reddit Comment Collector: Collects Reddit comments in realtime and saves them to a JSON file. Run with python collector.py [options]
  • Reddit Comment Labeler: Takes collected comments and prompts the user for ticker and sentiment information. Run with python labeler.py <comment file>