BLIB Project Template

This a template repository meant to fast track the creation of projects based on BLIB. It contains a proper directory structure, clang format, a basic gitignore, Doxygen config, CMake read to go, gtest setup, necessary submodules, and some example code to show how it all ties together.


Some nominal changes are necessary to convert this template into a project of your own. Namely:

  1. Clone all submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Search and replace ProjectName with your own project name. It appears often in CMake files
  3. Update the path to your compiler and any compiler settings that need changing in c_cpp_properties.json
  4. Tweak the Doxyfile and .clang-format files to your liking
  5. Add your resources and any required DLL's to the project directory