
Basic runner for dedicated Minecraft servers

Primary LanguagePython

Minecraft Runner

Python wrapper around a Minecraft server that performs periodic rolling backups, automatic restarts on crash, and contains some Easter eggs.

Install + Configuration

  1. Clone this repository to the machine or VM with your server
  2. Run python3 src/server_config.py to create the default config file
  3. Edit config/config.json for your server. Notable fields to update:
    • server_path: This is the path where your server jar is
    • start_command: Command to run inside of your server path to start the server
    • backup_path: Directory create backups in
  4. Configure your system to run the server. See below. systemd is the recommended approach



  • Start the server with: python3 src/main.py
    • The server may also be conditionally started with python3 src/check_alive.py which will only run the server if it is not already running. A crontab entry could be used to ensure the server is running, although systemd is a better approach
  • Stop the server with Ctrl+C or python3 src/stop.py if started in the background


  1. Update config/galacticraft.service:
    • ExecStart: python3 {path-to-main.py}
    • User: User to run the server as
    • Group: The group to run the server in
  2. Install config/galacticraft.service to etc/systemd/system
  3. Reload the systemd daemon: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  4. systemctl can now be used to manage the server:
    • Set to start on system start: sudo systemctl enable galacticraft
    • Start the server: sudo systemctl start galacticraft
    • Stop the server: sudo systemctl stop galacticraft
    • Restart the server: sudo systemctl restart galacticraft
    • Query server status: sudo systemctl status galacticraft