
Add generators to fusesoc so that depenedencies can be generated from generic parameters.

Primary LanguagePython


fusesoc_generators extends fusesoc to provide support for generating files using python functions. It is currently limited to VHDL source files.

A new kind of section is added to the core file in the form

module = somepythonpackage.somepythonmodule
function = somepythonfunction
type = python

This specifys a python function to be called that will return a list of filenames, and include directories that the core depends upon.

The function takes the following arguments:

The directory where generated files should be placed.
A list of dictionaries of the generic parameters of the module.
A dictionary of top level parameters for the entire design.

Use Cases

  1. It's fairly common to define a VHDL package containing constants to be used throughout the design. It's convenient to be able to easily generate this file from a python dictionary.
package mydesign_constants is
  constant BUS_WIDTH: {bus_width};
  constant N_BLOCKS: {n_blocks};
end package;
def generate(directory, generics, top_params):
    Generate the mydesign_constants package using values from the
    top_params dictionary.
    template_filename = 'mydesign_constants.vhd'
    with open(template_filename, 'r') as template_file:
        template_contents = template_file.read()
    package_contents = template_contents.format(**top_params)
    package_filename = os.path.join(directory, 'mydesign_constants.vhd')
    with open(package_filename, 'w') as package_file:
    filenames = [package_filename]
    incdirs = []
    return filenames, incdirs
  1. If you're making an ASIC design, then there's a good chance you'll be using compiled memories.
def generate(directory, generics, top_params):
    Generate compiled memories and wrappers that gather all compiled
    memories into a single interface that other VHDL entities can use.
    generated_filenames = []
    width_depth_pairs = []
    for generic_params in generics:
      width = generic_params['width']
      depth = generic_params['depth']
          generate_a_compiled_memory(width=width, depth=depth))
      width_depth_pairs.append((width, depth))
    incdirs = []
    return generated_filenames, incdirs
  1. Sometimes there just no easy way to easily create the parameterized design required without generation. Binary trees can be difficult, and tool support for recursive instantiation is poor so it is often easiest simply to generate the VHDL source files.

Super Elaboration

To be able to detect which generic parameters a given module uses, fusesoc_generators runs all the files through ghdl and requires that generators that need to know their generics must add logging into their source that outputs the generics used. In this way the generics can be extracted by parsing the output of ghdl.

Below is an example jinja2 template of a VHDL file that collects RAM definitions for various RAM instantiations and creates a single RAM entity with generic width and depth properties that the rest of the design can use.

When fusesoc_generators processes the design, the generate function for the RAM will initially be passed an empty list of generics so that this template will be formatted with an empty list of width_depth_pairs. The resulting VHDL will display an assertion for each time it is instantiated in the design listing the required width and depth. The ghdl logs are parsed and so the parameters of all the required RAM are determined.

The generate function is now called with a full list of generics. Compiled memories can be generated, and when the jinja2 template is formatted it will contain instantiations of the compiled memories.

entity RAM is
  generic (
    WIDTH: natural;
    DEPTH: positive
  port (
    clk: in std_logic;
    w_valid: in std_logic;
    w_data: in std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
    w_address: in std_logic_vector(logceil(DEPTH)-1 downto 0);
    ir_valid: in std_logic;
    ir_address: in std_logic_vector(logceil(DEPTH)-1 downto 0);
    or_valid: out std_logic;
    or_data: out std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0)
end entity;

architecture arch of RAM is
  {% for width, depth in width_depth_pairs %}check_{{width}}_{{depth}}: if ((WIDTH = {{width}}) and (DEPTH = {{depth}})) generate
    ram_for_{{width}}_{{depth}}: entity work.RAM_{{width}}_{{depth}}
      port map (
        clk => clk,
        reset => reset,
        w_valid => i_valid,
        w_data => w_data,
        w_address => w_address,
        ir_valid => ir_valid,
        ir_address => ir_address,
        or_valid => or_valid,
        or_data => or_data
  end generate;
  {% endfor %}
  nomatch: if not (false{% for width, depth in width_depth_pairs %}
                   or ((WIDTH={{width}}) and (DEPTH={{depth}})){% endfor %}) generate
    assert false report "Generator name=RAM width=" & integer'image(WIDTH) & " depth=" & integer'image(DEPTH);
  end generate;
end arch;


Besides adding the 'generator' section to the core description, fusesoc_generators provides a function to return a list of files required by a core, get_filenames_from_core.

It has the arguments:

The directory where generated files are placed
The top level core we will generate.
The entity in the top level core to be generated.
An iterable of dictionaries of the generic parameters for the top level entity.
The top level parameters that will be passed to all generator functions.
An optional function that takes a directory and list of files, and returns a new list of files. This is useful for adding utility packages.