
PicasaBox is a php script that uses Lightbox to display images from your PicasaWeb album

Primary LanguagePHP

##About PicasaBox is a php script that uses Lightbox to display (publicly accessible) images from your PicasaWeb album


  1. Download LightBox from http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/ and unzip the file to a folder called picasabox
  2. Delete picasabox/index.html
  3. Download PicasaBox from https://raw.github.com/benrhughes/PicasaBox/master/PicasaBox.php to the picasabox folder
  4. Edit the user configuration section of PicasaBox.php
  5. Upload the PicasaBox directory to your web server

PicasaBox is now installed. To use it simply enter: http//www.yourhost.com/picasabox/PicasaBox.php?album=somealbum where yourhost is your web host, picasabox is the folder you uploaded the files to, and somealbum is one of your PicasaWeb albums

If you want to, rename PicasaBox.php to index.php, which will allow you to usea URL like: http//www.yourhost.com/PicasaBox/?album=somealbum

That's it!