Development Environment

Item Name Version Description
IDE RStudio 0.98.1091 --
Language R 3.1.2 --
Web Framework Shiny 0.12.1 Framework that allows you to create web applications is R.
Specific packages Shinydashboard 0.3.0 CSS framework that allows you to create dashboard looking layouts.
Shinyapps 0.3.63 Library that allows you to deploy applications to directly from RStudio.
Leaftlet Create interactive maps with the JavaScript ‘Leaflet’ Library
GoogleVis 0.5.8 R interface to Google Charts
Lubridate 1.3.3 Makes dealing with dates easier
Hosting service -- Platform as a Service on which you can deploy Shiny applications.
Github Repository

Run The Application Locally

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Open RStudio

  3. Set the working directory to the repository

  4. Install all the above mentioned specific packages

  5. Execute the Data Update Procedure (see below)

  6. Open one of the main Shiny App files: server.R, ui.R, global.R

  7. Click on the ‘Run App’ button

  8. Optionally install other missing packages and re-run the application

Data Update Procedure

Download the following exports from CommCareHQ and copy them to the ‘data’ directory located at the root of the repository (create it if non existent).

Name Action
Case Exports
tablet_user (IeDA Dashboard, PBF Migration) Rename to: tablet-users.csv
Form Exports
Child Treatment - Meta Data (IeDA Dashboard) Rename to: child-treatment.csv
Child Visit - Meta Data (IeDA Dashboard) Rename to: child-visit.csv
Enroll Child - Meta Data (IeDA Dashboard) Rename to: enroll-child.csv
Other Exports
List of mobile users Rename column: "data: csps_site_code" to “site_code” Rename column: “data: district” to “district” Keep only columns: username, site_code, district Delete sheet: groups Save as: mobile-users.csv
Locations Keeps only sheet: CSPS Keep only columns: site_code, name, parent_site_code, latitude, longitude Save as: locations.csv

Deploy procedure

The Shiny deployment toolchain is directly integrated with RStudio. Everything can be done through the RStudio UI.

1. Create a account (only ones)

2. Connect your account to RStudio (only ones)

  • Go to Tools > ShinyApps > Manage Accounts

  • Click on Connect

  • Follow instructions

3.Publish Application

  • Open one of the main Shiny App files: server.R, ui.R, global.R

  • Go to Tools > Shiny App > Publish App...

  • Select account

  • Select application (create new if first time)