Example repo to walk through layering in dependency injection and duck typing for cleaner, more testable code


  • Shows straight forward way to discover an address
  • To test, you have to build and run against an instance of Consul


  • Refactored to have a Discover function into which you can inject your dns resolver
  • Makes testing easier, but you still can't test Discover without also running Consul and resolving a real SRV record


  • Adds AddressGetter interface so that tests can use a stub implementation
  • We don't want to test dns-clb-go, only our implementation. This facilitates that
  • Didn't have to include unnecessary interface in core library
  • Allows implementation to only depend on the parts of the library we are using (cleaner code reuse)


  • Example client/server implementation where client discovers server's address
  • AddressGetter interface allows different load balancer implementations to be injected
  • We can component test our web service locally without running Consul