
Primary LanguagePython


Install from requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Build requirements.txt

pip freeze > requirements.txt


source /Users/ben/OneDrive/Projects/golf/venv/bin/activate

Data Grab (manual): Method 1

Go to https://code.earthengine.google.com/ - Paste codeearth_rbg.js in the code editor (middle box) and run -> allows you to see the satellite view of the golf courses - Draw a bounding box around one/both of the golf courses and name it "myregion" - Paste codeearth_extract.js in the code editor in run - This saves a series of .tif files to your Google Drive Download .tif files from your Google Drive to your local machine Run tif2jpg.py on each .tif file to convert to jpg Stitch together jpg files using stitch_images.py to 1 final image - code edits in stitch_images.py will probably be needed

Data Grab (API): Method 2

Make sure you have "pip install earthengine-api" Run "earthengine authenticate" to authenticate session with Google Account Run download_image.py to download .tif file - This process saves each band over the same area as a separate .tif file (area.R.tif = red, area.B.tif = blue) Use multitif2jpg.py to convert to JPG


Dependencies pip install earthengine-api --upgrade pip install rasterio (windows install from precompiled wheel) pip install opencv-python pip install Pillow

#Needed gdal and rasterio https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#gdal

Activate Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process .\venv\Scripts\activate

Data Extract Method 1: Used in website above to grab info to export to drive (multiple TIF files) -> download -> convert to multiple JPGs -> stitch to get final image https://code.earthengine.google.com/ Method 2: Used to grab image through code and save as .tif to local computer, -> convert and combine to JPG

(Method 2 info and TODO) Auth earthengine authenticate


getDownloadURL alternative
return .median() instead of .first()