
OTA Updater for MicroPython

Primary LanguagePython

Micropython OTA Updater

Originally forked from https://github.com/rdehuyss/micropython-ota-updater

This code allows you to update several modules from unique github repos using wifi. The example below only updates on a Power On Reset (POR) event by connecting to the wifi then for each module checking the online latest release version and, if the local installation exists, comparing the versions. On finding a newer release it downloads and overwrites the module before rebooting the device.

Include ota_updater.py in the following directory structure, and ensure that your module source code is contained within a single main directory at the root of your repo. Add a config file to the config directory so the example code knows where to find the github repo. You can alter this approach with config files to suit your application.

    |-- boot.py
    |-- main.py
    |-- config
    |   |-- ota_updater_gitrepo_cfg.json        # Git Repo Config for OTA Updater
    |   |-- example_module_gitrepo_cfg.json     # Git Repo Config for Example Module
    |   |-- ...                                 # Other Config Files
    |-- ota_updater                             # OTA Updater Module
    |   |-- main                                # 'main' directory
    |       |-- ota_updater.py                  # OTA Updater Source Files
    |-- example_module                          # Example Module
    |   |-- main                                # 'main' directory
    |       |-- example_module.py               # Example Module Source Files
    |       |-- ...
    |-- ...                                     # Other Modules

The example ota_updater_gitrepo_cfg.json config file is as follows:

    {"url" : "https://github.com/bensherlock/micropython-ota-updater" } 

The example main.py code is as follows:

    import json
    import os
    import machine
    from ota_updater.main.ota_updater import OTAUpdater

    ota_modules = ['ota_updater', 'example_module']  # Add your own application module to this list.
    def load_ota_config(module_name):
        """Load OTA Configuration from JSON file held in config directory. JSON Config file:
            {"url" : "https://github.com/bensherlock/micropython-ota-updater-example-module" } 
        ota_config = None
        config_filename = 'config/' + module_name + '_gitrepo_cfg.json'
            with open(config_filename) as json_config_file:
                ota_config = json.load(json_config_file)
        except Exception:
        return ota_config
    def download_and_install_updates_if_available():
        """Connects to the WiFi and for each module in the list checks for new releases and downloads them all. 
        Restarts the microcontroller when complete."""

        # Open Wifi
        if not OTAUpdater.using_network(ssid, password):
            # Failed to connect
            print("Unable to connect to wifi")
            return False

        # Startup Load Configuration For Each Module and check for updates, download if available, then overwrite main/
        for ota_module in ota_modules:
            print("ota_module=" + ota_module)
            ota_cfg = load_ota_config(ota_module)
            if ota_cfg:
                o = OTAUpdater(ota_cfg['gitrepo']['url'], ota_module, github_pat=pat) # where pat is the github personal access token.
                # download_updates_if_available - Checks version numbers and downloads into next/
                # apply_pending_updates_if_available - Moves next/ into main/
        # Now need to reboot to make use of the updated modules

    def boot():
        # Check reason for reset - only update if power on reset
        if machine.reset_cause() == machine.PWRON_RESET:
        # Start the main application
    def start():
        # Run the application.
        # This could be your own application included as part of your own module:
        # yourapp.main()
            from example_module.main.example_module import ExampleModuleClass
            example = ExampleModuleClass()
    # Run boot()

For a live working example see github.com/bensherlock/micropython-ota-updater-example-application.