Project Name Blog On Rails

Description the project. This is a basic Blog website that allows users to create, edit, comment and delete posts, keeping data in a database. This project implements both authorization and authentication in order to provide extended functionality to logged in and authorized users.

Built With Languages: Ruby Frameworks: Ruby On Rails Technologies used: Visual Studio Code Requirements In order to work on this project, you need to have the following dependencies installed:

Ruby Postgresql Node.js Yarn Rails

Getting Started Clone this repository $ git clone $ cd blog_app

Commands to run


$ bundle install

To get all the gems required for the project

Then, run

$ npm install

To install packages such as style linters

To check linters locally, use

$ rubocop

$ npx stylelint "*/.{css,scss}"

Once you have the project correctly set up, run

$ bin/rails db:setup

To run all migrations, create the database for testing and for development, and insert some data into the database for you to visualize the changes

Finally, each time you make changes to the project, run

$ bundle exec rspec /spec

In the root folder to check the consistency of the app. Please don't make changes to the tests unless completely necessary, and mention it in your PR description.

Important note: Since this project uses TailwindCSS for the styling, you need to run:

$ ./bin/dev

For you to see the styling being applied in the browser during development


👤 Asim Mehmood Khan

👤 Daniel Urimubenshi

🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

Acknowledgments Microverse LazyCoders Coding Partners Inspiration etc

📝 License This project is MIT licensed.