
A BK techhouse challenge project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project: Classfieds App(Backend)

A BK techhouse challenge project

Built With

  • Language: Node js(Javascript runtime environment)
  • Framework: Express js
  • DBMS: Postgresql
  • ORM: Sequelize

Getting started

To get a local copy of this project, Please follow these simple example steps.


1. Clone this repository or download the Zip folder:"

$ git clone https://github.com/benshidanny11/classifiedsapp-bk-tech-house.git

2. Navigate to the location of the folder in your machine:

you@your-Pc-name:~$ cd <classifiedsapp-bk-tech-house>

3. Press Enter to navigate to your local clone.

4. Type npm install to istall dependencies

4. Type npm start to start development server.

Please remember to set environment variables using .env-example provided

Live server

Please visit this link to access live api server.


Below are the endpoints

Endpoint Methods Functionalities Data
/user/signup POST Signpu user name: String (Body data), email: String (Body data), Password: String (Body data)
/user/login POST Login user email: String (Body data), password: String (Body data)
/product/createnew POST Create new product name: String(Body data), description:String(Body data), image: String(Body data), price: Float(Body data), category: String(Body data), manufacture_date: String(Body data), token: String(Header data)
/product/update/{id} PUT Update user product id: String (Param), name: String(Body data), description:String(Body data), image: String(Body data), price: Float(Body data), category: String(Body data), manufacture_date: String(Body data), token: String(Header data)
/product/deleteuserproduct/{id} DETETE Delete product token: String(Header data), id: Number(Param data)
product/getone/{id} GET Get one product id: Number(Param data)
product/getuserproducts GET Get all products associated with user token: String(Header data)


👤 Daniel Urimubenshi

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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