eShuri Mobile

eShuri is the mobile client part of the eShuri family of applications. eShuri is designed to facilitate the learning of new skills and technologies for learners across the country.

eShuri relies on the following 3rd Party services:



Dart SDK

Ensure that you have flutter and the Dart SDK installed and set up on your system. Instructions for that can be found here.

Java JDK

Ensure that you have Java JDK is installed on your system for android device emulators. Version used during the development of this application is Java version 1.8.0_22.


Ensure you have Xcode installed for iOs simulators and iOs development. Xcode can be downloaded from the App Store or from this link for direct downloads.

Android Studio

Android studio must be downloaded to configure AVDs (Android Virtual Devices) and Android SDKs (Software Development Kits).


  • Clone this repository
  • Navigate to the root of this repository
  • Run the command Flutter pub get to install depencencies.


Note: The application uses the Google Cloud Platform as a backend, check out firebase local emulators setup guide to see how to set up the application. The guide can be found here.

Default data for the authentication emulator can be found in the /exports folder in the root of this codebase.

The guide can be found

  • Create a new virtual device or open an existing one
  • Run the application using your IDE of choice. IntelliJ Android Studio is recommended or alternatively VsCode.


Macheza Dzabala 👨🏾‍💻 👋🏿

Tech Stack

Client: Flutter

Server: Firebase



Tools used in this project include