Script for launching an rchain testnet node on a docker image.
This script has variables in it, requirements:
- Docker installed (see below)
- Docker network created (see below)
- Have an RChain key pair created (see below)
For Ubuntu 18.04:
- Install Docker
sudo apt install docker.io
- Add your current user to the docker group
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
- Log out and log back in
- Create your docker network
docker network create rnode-net
- Pull the latest docker image
docker pull rchain/rnode:latest
- Get your docker key (see below), find the bootstrap node, and get the links for the bonds.txt and wallets.txt files.
- Change variables for private key, network, and bootstrap node in the rchain_docker.sh file
nano rchain_docker.sh
- Run the script
Generating RChain Keys
To get your rnode key generated, start rnode in standalone mode (see below) - let it run for 1 minute, and then stop it. Go to your rnode/genesis folder.
There will be 5 .sk files in there. The title of each file is the pub key and the contents of each file are the priv key.
To start your node in standalone mode:
- First create a local rnode directory
mkdir ~/rnode
- Pull the rnode latest docker image
docker pull rchain/rnode:latest
- Then run the docker command
docker run -u root -it --network rnode-net --name rnode-standalone -v "$HOME/rnode":/var/lib/rnode rchain/rnode:latest run --standalone
After it runs for 1 minute, stop the docker using control-c to break
Go to your ~/rnode/genesis directory and run
ls -la
and thencat *.sk
each of those files contains a key pair. The name of the file is the public key and the contents are the private key. You will need both - save them somewhere safe and private.
Additional documentation on running rnode: