Bot Advanced Schematic - Easy Discord! A powerful template for use as a starting point in your next advanced discord bot project.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Bot Advanced Schematic - Easy Discord! (BASED)

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BASED is a template project for creating advanced discord bots using python.

Standout Features

  • Task scheduler with auto-rescheduling
  • Object and database saving with JSON
  • Per-guild command prefixing
  • Custom access level-based commands handler
    • Help command auto-generation with paged reaction menus
  • Highly versatile reaction menu implementation in two calling styles:
    • 'Inline' - yields the calling thread until the results of the menu are available
    • 'Passive' - schedules the menu behaviour while allowing execution to continue immediately

How to Make a BASED App

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Install the project requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Provide your bot token (see the Configuring Your Bot section below).
  4. Build your bot directly over BASED.

The project is already working as is, with a connected client instance, dynamic commands importing and calling, scheduler and database initialization, and reactionMenu interaction using client events.
To test the base project, try running the bot, and calling the .help command.

See the commands module for examples of adding new commands.
If you add a new commands module, enable it by adding the module name to the enabledCommandsModules config variable.

BASED is not a library, it is a template to be used as a starting point for your project.

Configuring Your Bot

BASED v0.3 adds the ability to configure all of the bot's cfg attributes externally with toml.
If a bot token is provided by the default config values (found in cfg/cfg.py), use of a config file is entirely optional.

  • All config variables are optional.
  • Generate a default config file with all variables and their defaults, by running makeDefaultConfig.py.
    • You can optionally specify the file name (or path to the file name) to generate into, e.g python makeDefaultConfig.py configs/myBotConfig.py.
  • Any emoji can be either unicode or custom.
    • Give custom emojis as the integer emoji ID.
    • Give unicode emojis as a string containing a single unicode emoji character.

Providing your bot token

The bot token can now be given in a config variable, or in an environment variable whose name is specified in config:

  • Specify your token directly, in the botToken config var, or
  • Give the name of the environment variable containing your token, in botToken_envVarName

You must give exactly one of these variables, either in the default config values (cfg/cfg.py), or in a toml config file.

Running Your Bot

Option 1: Direct

To run your bot, simply run main.py.
To load a config.toml, provide a path to your config in command line args, e.g python main.py myConfig.toml.

Option 2: Shell launch loop

Alternatively, automatic restarting and updating of the bot are provided by using one of the two looping bot launching scripts, run.bat and run.sh.
Your bot will be rebooted automatically after critical errors, or on use of the dev_cmd_restart command.

The script will not restart your bot on receipt of interrupt and termination signals (SIGINT/SIGTERM).

If your bot is a git repository, give your run script the -g optional argument to enable dev_cmd_update.
Running dev_cmd_update will shut down the bot, run git pull, and restart the bot again.

  • If conflicts are encountered with merging commits, the pull will be cancelled entirely.
  • This error will not be announced to discord, and you should check your console to ensure that it was successful.

    (or implement a bot version checking command)

How to Update Your BASED Fork

When new versions of BASED are released, assuming you have update checking enabled in cfg.BASED_checkForUpdates, you will be notified via console.
To update your BASED fork, create a pull request from Trimatix/BASED/master into your fork.
Beware: conflicts are likely in this merge, especially if you have renamed BASED files, classes, functions or variables.