
Emulates network activity based on bit error rate for a half-duplex connection transferring data between 2 devices

Primary LanguageJava

#network-emulator Network emulator is a simulator of a network connection and includes bit errors and delays.

#quick start The emulator is setup on a client-server type of system where there is a client-server relationship between the Client and Internet modules, and another between the Internet and Server modules. This TCP socket implementation then requires that to start up the emulator, the following files will be initialized in the following order:

  1. server/Server.java
  2. internet/Main.java
  3. client/Client.java

Upon the Client.java file starting, the emulation will begin transferring data with the set settings passed as parameters or in the config/configuration.properties file. Each module will not start if there are required parameters needing to be passed at initialization. config/configuration.properties has been setup with default settings so that the emulator will work right away.

#features & settings The network emulator does a full transaction of a 300 paragraph file from the Client to the Server and then returns the file back from the Server to the Client. The time and duration of this transaction is of course effected by timer lengths, window size, bit error rates and delay time which are all configurable in various areas.

##internet The internet module contains the core handling of the emulated network connection quality. The module takes 2 parameters at startup to determine the Bit Error Rate as a percent and the Average Delay in milliseconds. This module then handles incoming packets and based on the parameters determines the length to delay the packet, or whether to drop it completely. Note that the internet will drop or delay ANY kind of packet regardless of type that is used in the simulation.

The internet system initializes through the Main java class which creates and starts the Internet java class. The Main classes purpose is to souly parse out the required parameters before initializing the Internet module. The Internet then creates 2 threads built on the Client2Internet and Server2Internet classes which each listen to either the client (Client2Internet) or the server (Server2Internet) for incoming packets. It then uses the InternetTools static class to determine whether to drop the packet, and how long to hold onto the packet (delaying it) before passing it on to the appropriate opposite socket based on the src and dst attributes set in the packet.

The internet module can also be configured with parameters in the config/configuration.properties file located in the root of the project. Here you can set the listener and sender ports aswell as the sender host. By default the internet module is configured to function on localhost and assumes the Server is also located on localhost on port 7000. Below is a breakdown of all the settings that can be configured in the config/configuration.properties file: ###internet.connection.listener.port Set the port number for the internet to listen on for connections from the Client module ###internet.connection.sender.port Set the port number for the internet to send on for connections to the Server module ###internet.connection.sender.host Set the host value for the internet to send data to. This should be the host that the Server module is located on

##server The server module is the first to receive data in the simulation before receiving an EOT packet type which triggers it to switch roles and send data back to the client. The server module initializes from the Server class where it creates two threads based on the ServerSocketListener and ServerSocketSender classes. These classes as named listen for incoming data from the client and then sends back an ACK packet for each until an EOT packet arrives at which point the ServerSocketSender thread is initialized and sends back file data to the client

Configuration of the server can be set in the config/configuration.properties file. The following attributes in the configuration file will alter settings of the server: ###server.connection.port Set the port number the Server module will listen on for connections ###server.connection.windowsize Sets the size of the window for the Server module. This is used when the EOT packet type is recieved and all packets have been recieved. The Server module will then switch roles and start sending data, at which point it uses the window size to control how many packets are sent at 1 time ###server.connection.inittimeout Sets the initial timeout for the timers when the Server module starts sending data back to the client. ###server.packet.maxsize Sets the max size in characters of the packets data length that will be sent. This number is used to calculate how many packets will be needed to cutup the data being sent

##client The client module is the first to send data in the simulation before it will recieve data. As the client there is not explicit transition other then it completes sending all of its data with an EOT packet, at which point the server then begins sending data. The client is unaware of the transition as it is already listening for incoming data being the ACK packets for the data it is sending.

The client module initializes from the Client java class where it creates a socket based on the ClientSocketListener class to listen for returning ACKS from the Server and data sent back from the Server when the Client has completed transferring all data. The Client class also handles parsing the file data and sending it to the Server

The client module can be configured in the configurations.properties file with the following settings: ###client.connection.port Set the port number the client will connect to, to send its data ###client.connection.host Set the host the client will connect to, to send its data ###client.connection.windowsize Set the windowsize of the client for determining how many packets will be sent at one time ###client.connection.inittimeout Set the initial timeout value used in the timers to decide when a retransmission is needed. Timers are set once the packet is sent and then stopped when the ACK by the server is recieved ###client.packet.maxsize Set the max packet size in characters of the packet data length that will be snet. This number is used to calculate how many packets will be needed to cutup the data being sent


##packet type When viewing the logged output the packet type is displayed as integer values. The meaning of the integer values are as follows:

  • EOT (End of Transmission) = 101
  • PUSH = 100
  • ACK = 200

See PacketType.java enum for source details

##docs Additional documentation on class diagrams, outlines and testing procedures can be found in the /docs folder