
A python continuous-deployment platform for windows infrastructure

Primary LanguagePython


Vessel is an automation/orchestration tool designed for Windows infrastructure

Vessel is implemented to run as Windows Services and primarily functions as a script aggregating system. Users develop scripts in a supported language and then vessel will distribute and run it on the desired nodes based on HTTP or Terminal (coming soon) requests.


Vessel is written in Python and thus required Python 3.6+ in order to run. In addition to this, in order to use the Windows Services API, you will also need to install pywin32. A tutorial on how to install Python 3.6 with pywin32 on Windows 7 or 10 can be found here: https://blog.bensoer.com/create-windows-service-in-python-3/


To setup vessel you need to start by setting up the master node.

  1. Download or clone this repo contents
  2. Copy to C:\vessel in your system
  3. In C:\vessel\config\services.init.template rename the file to services.init and verify/fillout the config with the correct information. Make sure to change the private_key_password!
  4. Open command as an administrator and cd to C:\vessel
  5. Install the master node service by entering python master.py install
  6. Start the master node service by entering python master.py start

Once this has started you can then install vessel nodes on other systems.

  1. Download or clone the repo contents onto a node
  2. Repeat the above steps until step 4
  3. To install the node service, enter the following into a command with administrator priveleges python node.py install
  4. Start the node service by entering python node.py start

The node will then automatically connect to the master node after generating its required keys

Currently Supported Script Files

The following are filetypes and their associated engines they are executed with. Vessel will automatically use the appropriate engine when it detects the filetype of the requested file. A script that does not match a supported filetype will not be included as an available script to execute on Vessel.

  • Python3 (.py)
  • Powershell (.ps1)
  • Batch (.bat)
  • NodeJS (.js)

Node Configuration For Scripts

To run certain scripts on nodes, the end host system will need to have certain settings configured. Eventually these should be taken care of as part of the nodes startup phase.

For powershell, open Powershell as an Administrator and run the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

This will allow the node to execute powershell scripts

For python, the python executable must be set in the system PATH. You can test this by opening a command and then typing


This will allow the node to execute python scripts. This is likely already setup as it is required in order to install the node or master services.

For NodeJS, the node executable must be set in the system PATH. You can test this by opening a command then then typing


Vessel will fail to execute your NodeJS scripts if the node executable cannot be found within the PATH. Additionally, Vessel will not handle any package management or dependency calls prior to executing. The script executed by vessel should handle this automatically.


Obviously, communication between nodes and masters will likely contain sensitive data. To securely transfer data between points, RSA and AES are both used - RSA to transfer the AES key from the node to the master, and then AES from then onwards. Each node generates its own AES key. On successful connection to the master, the master node sends its public RSA key. The node then uses this to encrypt its AES key and send it to the master. The master then decrypts this and further communication continues with the AES key.

In order to avoid issues with data in transit, all data is also Base64 encoded before sent over the internet to avoid read and write issues on the end systems.

Vessel Internal Command Codes:

The following are command codes used for communication between processes and nodes. It is a CRUD-like system that abstracts communication internally from outside interactions. This allows for commands passed in by HTTP or Terminal or internally to be able to translate and communicate the same and then translate back to their desired format (HTTP as JSON, Terminal as text, etc). The purpose is to document the commands for consistency within the application and to help developers pickup on application structure

GET - For fetching information from nodes

  • SCRIPTS - Fetch scripts on a node. The data is fetched from the database on the node
  • PING - Fetch general node information and meta
  • DEPLOYMENTS - Fetch deployment information

EXEC - For executing on nodes

  • SCAN.SCRIPTS - Rescan the file system for scripts data. Works same as GET SCRIPTS except reads from the file-system and updates the database afterwards
  • DEPLOYMENTS.EXECUTE - Executes a deployment which is a group of scripts in a specific order
  • SCRIPTS.EXECUTE - Executes a script
  • FAILED.NOTFOUND - Vessel system processed everything fine. However the request script was not found on the executing node
  • FAILED - Vessel system processed everything fine. However the script executed error'd or failed to execute
  • SUCCESS - Vessel system processed everything fine. Script executed ran successfully

MIG - Migrates scripts from master to node and vise-versa

CREATE - For creating resources

  • DEPLOYMENT - Creates a deployment record

SYS - For internal communication passing between processes and nodes

  • RESTART - Sent from Master to Node to make node disconnect and start reconnect cycles
  • CONN.CLOSE - Sent from Node to Master to tell Master node is gracefully closing and to terminate the connection on its side
  • SHUTDOWN - Sent to main thread to stop process and start shutdown

ERROR - For errors with the Vessel system and its execution


Install Python Non-Interactively: https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/msi/