What is this repository for?

  • Quick summary. Bitcoing mining using boolean SAT analysis
  • Version 1.0

What is Boolean Satisfiabiliy (SAT) analysis

What is a Binary Decision Diagram (BDD)

How do I get set up?

Needed IDE config

Ubuntu 16.04,Eclipse,Cute C++ unit testing,Boost for C++

Setting up ubuntu enviroment

update your ubuntu software

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade

setup git

sudo apt install git

setup graphiv - for making the dots (images) sudo apt install graphiv

setup dev enviroment
  • 1 sudo apt-get install build-essential
  • 2 sudo apt install autoconf
  • 3 sudo apt install libtool
  • 4 sudo apt-get install manpages-dev
setup boost for c++ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

compiling boost yourself

download this code


BDD Preparations

  1. Make a binary tree having operands left and rights bits for 256 doubleSha256
  2. Collapse this binarytrees to 256 flat variables (kill all subfolders)
  3. Create difficulty precalculted bits(Key BDDs)


  1. Query bitcoind using getwork protocol. This gives a 640 bit result (called block) that should be searched for a valid nonce
  2. Restrict the bdd. Pass the received blockHeader constant bits and varible nonce bits to prehashed difficulty bit (Key BDDs).
  3. Check if the prehashed bit is satisfiable (32 varibles now)
  4. If satisfiable extract the first satisfying nonce and send back to bitcoind and wait for confimation message. $$$ :-)Issue new getWork() (step 1)
  5. If not satisfiable :-(. Issue new getWork() (step 1)

Who do I talk to?

  • Person of interest1 : bb