
This repository contains source code for a trivial PHP type juggling challenge. Solve it to retrive the administrator JWT authentication token and flag.

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP type juggling vulnerabilities arise when loose comparison (== or !=) of variables is employed instead of strict comparison (=== or !==) in an area where the attacker can control one of the variables being compared. When PHP needs to compare a string with an integer, PHP will attempt to extract the integer from the string. So a comparison like ‘2 books’ == 2 will evaluate to True. If the string that is being compared does not contain an integer, then string will then be converted to a “0” hence ‘books’ == 0 will evaluate to True. Loose type comparison behavior in PHP can be exploited to allow authentication bypass.

This repository contains source code for a trivial challenge. Solve it to retrive the JWT authentication token and flag.

Login Page


Bypass Authentication to retrieve flag and token



Run in a docker container with docker compose

$ git clone https://github.com/bensonmacharia/php-type-juggling.git
$ cd php-type-juggling
$ docker-compose up -d
$ curl


$ git clone https://github.com/bensonmacharia/php-type-juggling.git
$ cd php-type-juggling
$ cp -R web /var/www/html
$ curl http://localhost/web/index.php


Authentication Bypass Through PHP Type Juggling

Challenge Source Code

OWASP: PHP Magic Tricks: Type Juggling

IppSec: PHP Type Juggling - Why === is Important - Bug Bounty Tips