- Generate
routes for one resource
In this lab, we'll continue building an API for the plant store! The code for
the frontend React application is done; you can find it in the client
directory. Your job is to create the Rails API so that the fetch
requests on
the frontend work successfully.
To set up the frontend and backend dependencies, from the root directory, run:
$ npm install --prefix client
$ bundle install
$ rails db:migrate db:seed
To see how the React application and Rails API are interacting, you can run the Rails application in one terminal by running:
$ rails s
Then, open another terminal and run React:
$ npm start --prefix client
Each application will run on its own port on localhost
- React: http://localhost:4000
- Rails: http://localhost:3000
Your API should have the following routes as well as the associated controller actions that return the appropriate JSON data:
Making a PATCH request to this route with an object in the body should update one plant, and return the updated plant in the response. You should use strong params to handle the update.
PATCH /plants/:id
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body
"is_in_stock": false
Response Body
"id": 1,
"name": "Aloe",
"image": "./images/aloe.jpg",
"price": 11.50,
"is_in_stock": false
Making a DELETE request to this route should delete one plant from the database.
You should return a response of head :no_content
to indicate a successful
DELETE /plants/:id
Response Body
no content