
Ensemble! Une application de création/partage de plan de travail pour les enseignants du primaire

Primary LanguageRuby

Currently under development by the VRoad Studio team and Beta test phase with seven teachers in a primary school @Nantes - France

New Features March 2024

Add Style Options to the action text editor

In order to improve creativity, new style options have been added to action text editor:

  • Change text color
  • Change highlight text color
  • Underline

Rebuilding of the Student result page going full Turbo

  • rebuild routes & partials

  • rebuild actions / controller to TurboStream student results


New Features February 2024

DEMO userflow Any visitor can create a demo Account and explore core features with limitations Upgrade Subscription workflow to allow modification (Annualy <=> Monthly, volume of classrooms included in Subscription)

New Features July 2023

Subscriptions with Stripe Integration Implemented a subscription system using Stripe for easy payment processing. Users can now subscribe Ensemble services using Stripe's secure payment gateway.
Grade Skill Management Table Added a new table for managing grade-specific skills. Utilized Turbo Frame in Rails to ensure a smooth user experience. Implemented the ability to export this skill data as an XLSX file for easy sharing and offline use.
Classroom Students Progression Introduced a feature for tracking and visualizing students' progress within a classroom. Leveraged Turbo Stream for dynamic updates, ensuring that changes are reflected in real-time. Enabled users to export the classroom students' progression data as an XLSX file, making it convenient for reporting and analysis.

Original Team December 2021

Erika,Thomas & Guenolé from Batch #756 Le wagon Nantes built the first version on december 2021.

The first demo hosted by Erika on december 2021

MVP . Advanced Action text and WorkPlan management
. Rails 6 / Stimulus / HTML Css