There is a very simple Javascript-based client application that is available at /client
Currently, the application can retrieve the current beer lists available on The beer list detail contains the beers on that list. Some of the beer details are also available - beer name (which includes brewery), the reviewers rating and the rating from the Astrom brothers.
Returns JSON array of beer lists. Each item in the JSON array includes:
id: Beer list identifier
name: Beer list name
Returns JSON array of beers on a particular list. The particular list is identified by the id parameter.
Return values for each element in array:
id: Beer identifier
name: Beer name
Returns details of the specific beer with JSON formatting.
id: Beer identifier
beer_name: Name of the beer along with brewery name
reviewers_rating: Beer rating as determined by user-submitted reviews
brothers_rating: If the Alstrom brothers have reviewed this particular beer, a numerical score is returned. Otherwise, "N/A" is returned.