
Starting an Angular 2 project and don't know where to begin? I got you...

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular2 Starting Guide

Starting an Angular 2 project and don't know where to begin? I got you...

##There are 4 files:

Create a folder, and place all 4 of these files in that folder.

####STOP!!! Do you have Node.js and npm installed on your computer?

Install Them

##Now that you have all these files in your folder, open your CLI.

####Tip: (I suggest using iTerm if you are on Mac, it is prettier and has better features than terminal)

Within your CLI, go to the directory that you placed the files in. Enter this in:

npm install

Node Package Manager (npm) will install all of the dependencies that are in your package.json file.

####WARNING! If a folder labeled 'typings' doesn't show up, type this in:

npm run typings install

##Next Steps:

  • Create a folder called app
  • Begin coding your angular app
  • glhf