
Simple fades in React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm travis standard


Simple fades in React

npm i react-fade

Fade in

Children components will start invisible and fade into a visible state.

  <p>I am so faded</p>

Fade out

Fade out requires some extra code to stay invisble after it's been faded-out. Right now, the recommended way of using <Fade out/> is to utilize the duration property in conjuction with css display or visibilty. For example:

import { default as React, Component } from 'react'
import { default as Fade } from 'react-fade'

const fadeDuration = 10

class FadeExample extends Component {

  state = {
    fadeOut: false,
    visibility: 'visible'

  componentDidUpdate(nextProps, { fadeOut }) {
    if (fadeOut) {
      setTimeout(() => {
          visibility: 'hidden'
      }, fadeDuration)
  render() {
    return (
            visibility: this.state.visibility
          <p>I am so faded</p>
        <button onClick={() => this.setState({ fadeOut: true })}>
          Fade out


Prop Type Description
out bool fades out instead of in - see instructions for usage patterns
duration number the amount of time in seconds that it takes to fade in or out