- MacOS Catalina - Version 1.0
- MSR605 Card Reader Writer.app
- Download the Application (Zip - 60Kb)
- Windows: coming soon...
- Compile it yourself with a .py to .exe tool!
Simple GUI for reading and writing to 3-striped magnetic cards with a MSR605 on a USB/serial interface. Forked from Manwinder's original project, this version uses an alternative library to connect with the device.
A MSR605 magnetic card reader / writer (or an equivilent device with a complete python library). One or more standard 3-stripe magnetic cards. Python 2.7+
MSR Library [Damien Bobillot - damien.bobillot.2002+msr@m4x.org] Tkinter for the GUI [Manwinder Sidhu - manwindersapps@gmail.com]
# Start the GUI
python ./MSR605 Card Reader Writer.py
# Install the serial module if needed
pip install serial
# Update the serial port:
#./MSR605 Card Reader Writer.py:20
SERIAL_PORT = '/dev/cu.usbserial-142430'
# Install the build tools
pip install -U py2app
# Build application package from source
python setup.py py2app -A
The MSR605 is a card reader/writer, its writes to the standard magstripe cards that most people are used to using (Credit Cards, Debit Cards, pretty much any card with a colored stripe on the back, its usually black). I purchased mine on ebay. I choose to buy this card reader because it had good documentation online.
- ./MSR605 Card Reader Writer.py
- The graphical user interface source.
- ./msr.py
- The library that connects to the card reader (MSR605).
- /dist/MSR605CardReaderWriter.zip
- The compiled application (.app) package for download.
- Liam Hogan bentbot@outlook.com
- Manwinder Sidhu manwindersapps@gmail.com