
Slideshow presentation tool utilizing jQuery and AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular Slideshow

  • A versatile slideshow presentation tool using jQuery and AngularJS.

  • Intended to easily integrate with any Node.js site.

  • Can create typical linear looping auto-advancing slideshows arranged both horizontally and vertically, manually advanced shows via automatically generated controls, or more complex 2d grid-based shows with slides arranged both vertically and horizontally.

Configured by markup

Shows are configured via attributes of elements on the page assigned the a-slideshow directive. The id of the element will defined the slideshow_id property of the AShow instance created for it.

<div id='slideshow1'
  style='width:300px; height:150px;'

The above example is a manually advancing slideshow with horizontal looping, page numbers displayed, a half second transition duration, and dimensions of 300 x 150 pixels. (NOTE: The show width and height should match the slides it will display.)

The example below configures an auto-advancing slideshow...

<div id='slideshow2'
  style='width:300px; height:150px;'

If an advanceDelay greater than zero is configured for a slideshow no navigation controls will be generated for it. Note that the loopDimensions property has been assigned a value of 1 instead of 0. Unlike the previous example this is requesting vertical looping. That value is actually indicating the axis to loop. (If no looping is needed, the loopDimensions attribute should not be included in the markup.)

All slides in a show are assigned a 2d index. When working with a horizontally arranged show simplified indexes such as 1, 2 and 3 can be used. These would be automatically converted to 2d: [1,0], [2,0] and [3,0]. However if the show's slides are vertically arranged their indexes would instead have to be [0,1], [0,2] and [0,3].

When dealing with a manually advancing slideshow, custom nav link labels will likely be desired. The following example demonstrates how that is achieved...

<div id='slideshow3'
  style='width:300px; height:150px; float:right; margin:1em 0 2em 3em'

The above show is intended to display slides arranged on a 2d grid, with looping around both axes, and features overridden direction control labels via the directionLabels attribute whose value must be provided in valid JSON format. The possible directions of navigation controls are up, right, down, and left. These should be the keys of the direction label override object described by this parameter's value.

Configuration Options

Here is the list of configuration options currently available for the slideshow element...

Attribute Example Values Purpose
transitionType 'fade', 'pan' Forces all transitions to be of this type.
transitionDuration '1000' Duration of transition animations in milliseconds.
loopDimensions '0', '[0,1]' Index dimensions that should wrap-around.
advanceDelay '5000' Milliseconds to wait before advancing to next slide.
advanceChange '[1,0]', '[0,1]' Change to apply to current index when advancing.
directionLabels '{"left":"Prev"}' Custom labels to display for nav links.
showPageNumbers '1', 'true' If "truthy" display page numbers for slides.

Slide definitions

The AShowAngular.js file has examples for loading slides via an api call, a json file, or a hardcoded list defined in that file. (The later allows for testing when browsing the files locally.) The AShow.slideshow_id property is used to identify the slides belonging to each slideshow instance. The example slide definition files provided with this project are located in the /slides directory and named [slideshow_id].json.

The following demonstrates definition of very simple slides for a horizontally arranged slideshow...

		"index" : [0,0],
		"content" : "First example slide..."
		"index" : [1,0],
		"content" : "Second example slide..."
		"index" : [2,0],
		"content" : "Third example slide..."

This example more clearly demonstrates that the content assigned to each slide is html, so if a slideshow needs to consist of images, its slide's should likely be defined with image tags in their content. Note that the index properties of these slides vary along the y-axis, therefore these slides would belong to a vertically aligned show...

		"index" : [0,0],
		"content" : "<img src='images/show1_slide1.jpeg'/>"
		"index" : [0,1],
		"content" : "<img src='images/show1_slide1.jpeg'/>"
		"index" : [0,2],
		"content" : "<img src='images/show1_slide1.jpeg'/>"

And finally this example describes a 3x3 grid of slides centered around the [0,0] index...

		"index" : [0,0],
		"content" : "Slide 0,0..."
		"index" : [0,1],
		"content" : "Slide 0,1..."
		"index" : [0,-1],
		"content" : "Slide 0,-1..."
		"index" : [1,0],
		"content" : "Slide 1,0..."
		"index" : [1,1],
		"content" : "Slide 1,1..."
		"index" : [1,-1],
		"content" : "Slide 1,-1..."
		"index" : [2,0],
		"content" : "Slide 2,0..."
		"index" : [2,1],
		"content" : "Slide 2,1..."
		"index" : [2,-1],
		"content" : "Slide 2,-1..."


Jasmine test runners are located in the /public directory so they can be served by node: AShowSpecRunner.html, AShowAngularSpecRunner.html. These run the AShowSpec.js and AShowAngularSpec.js scripts respectively.


The example node app serves example.html as the index. This page contains fairly comprehensive examples with descriptions of their configurations.

The GemHunter.html example is just a fun demonstration of what can be done with a 2d slideshow. Its source is worth a look for an example of how to implement custom behaviors. It also makes for a nice demonstration of the fact that changes made to a slide are remembered.

Directory Layout

root/               --> node.js app directory
  public/           --> client files (this is all you need if not using node)
    css/            --> default stylesheet for slideshow (important underpinnings)
    images/         --> used by Gem Hunter example
    slides/         --> slide definition json files

Live Example

A working example of this project in use can be viewed at: benthielker.com/AShow