
A prototype editor for the GOV.UK taxonomy.



You will need the following prerequisites installed locally.

  • npm to manage the dev dependencies
  • npx to run npx binaries

Most of these can be installed using Homebrew on Mac.

Getting Started

Run the following command in the top level directory.

npm install
npx http-server -c-1
npx cucumber-js tes

Then go to http://localhost:8080 in your browser.


The prototype has several custom components. All of them use the Backbone.Events API to communicate between each other, as well as internally.

  • taxitor - this is the main component that visualises the graph
  • taxeles - a set of controls for display and use in edit forms
  • taxmenu - a context (right-click) menu control used by the taxitor
  • taxodes - the hierarchical models used to represent the taxonomy
  • taxplay - a details view to show more properties of a tacode
  • taxdocs - the flat models used to represent an item of content
  • doclist - a list view for a collection of taxdocs under a taxode


The taxitor is designed as a bunch of plugins that do small pieces of work as part of the overall render pipeline, which has the following stages.

  • enter - add new elements to the DOM (new data)
  • exit - remove old elements from the DOM (old data)
  • layout - compute coordinates for all the elements
  • update - modify the element attributes (e.g. position)

If you look in the layouts and handlers directories, you'll see some examples of how the pipeline has been extended e.g. to color nodes by dept.


There are lots of features to add to make the prototype better and showcase what is possible with these kinds of visualisations.

  • [taxitor] Drag support for nodes to change their parents
  • [taxitor] Improve existing layouts and add better ones
  • [taxplay] Add a button to edit (and save) the taxon content
  • [taxplay] Show more of the properties for each taxon
  • [taxplay] Make the showing/editing of each property generic
  • [taxplay] Use generic properties to change phase / publish
  • [generic] Use a javascript module library to require stuff
  • [taxitor] Show more details (e.g. phase) in each node
  • [generic] Add feature tests to check each component works
  • [generic] Loom into packaging to distribute components

And much more - feel free to suggest some ideas. As some of the components are quite generic, it may also be good to extract them.