Web Design Homework - Web Visualization Dashboard (Latitude)


This repository contains a full web site, displaying visualisations (graphs) and data on various climate measures by latitude.

Head to index.html that will redirect you to the landing page for the website.

Latitude - Latitude Analysis Dashboard with Attitude

The website consists of 7 pages total, including:

  • A landing page containing:
    • An explanation of the project.
    • Links to each visualisations page.
  • Four visualization pages:
    • Max Temperature vs. Latitude
    • Humidity vs. Latitude
    • Cloudiness vs. Latitude
    • Wind Speed vs. Latitude
  • A comparisons page that:
    • Contains all of the visualisations on the same page to easily visually compare them.
    • Uses a Bootstrap grid for the visualizations.
    • The grid has two visualisations across on screens medium and larger, and 1 across on extra-small and small screens.
  • A data page that:
    • Displays a responsive table containing the data used in the visualisations.
      • The table is a bootstrap table component.
      • The data was extracted from exporting the .csv file as HTML using Python Pandas