Tutorials on how to implement a few key architectures for image classification using PyTorch and TorchVision.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 0
explanation in 3_alexnet
#17 opened by yf291115925 - 2
need more advance model
#11 opened by cysjtu - 0
why get epoch trainning statitics:train and test top-5 accieved 90%+,but not get the correct prediction result?
#15 opened by aibama - 0
- 0
t-sne resets the kernel.
#13 opened by erlebach - 2
Got error on test_data.classes
#12 opened by TeTeTang - 2
RuntimeError: mat1 dim 1 must match mat2 dim 0
#10 opened by wwdok - 4
feedback an error
#9 opened by wwdok - 2
- 1
Remark : Reproducibility is broken.
#7 opened by Tikquuss - 0
VGG with CUB200 without pre-trained
#6 opened by iamzifei - 1
LeNet: Small typo in comments
#3 opened by maulikchevli - 10
value error
#2 opened by Rukhmini - 1
A question about requires_grad in your example "7 - ResNet - Dogs vs Cats.ipynb"
#1 opened by jizhihang