
Creating fractal images using Bokeh Server for chaos game.

Primary LanguagePython


Step one of "Make it work, make it right, make it fast". 😁

Playing with Bokeh Server.

File Info:

Three points:

The Sierpinski Triangle/Gasket chooses randomly from three points to create the fractal. Using four points doesn't result in a fractal, so restrictions are needed:

  • fractal_restriction_1.py

    Restriction: Chosen target point (vertex) cannot be same as previously chosen point.

  • fractal_restriction_2.py

    Restriction: Chosen target point cannot be one point away, anti-clockwise, from previously chosen point.

  • fractal_restriction_3.py

    Restriction: Chosen target point cannot be two points away from previously chosen point.

Inspired by Numberphile, on YouTube

Informed by Wikipedia.