Script to populate WMI with WWAN information

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Adds Wireless Wide Area Network information into the Windows Management Interface




I want to deprecate this entirely, but Microsoft needs to know people want the functionality natively. Please vote for the following idea:


To gather the information in ConfigMgr, follow these steps.

Configuration Item

  1. Assets and Compliance / Compliance Settings / Configuration Items
  2. Create Configuration Item
  3. General
    • Name: Wireless Wide Area Network
    • Description: Populates WMI with WWAN details
    • Type of confugration item: Windows Desktops and Servers (custom)
  4. Supported Platforms
    • Windows 8 and above
  5. Settings
    • New
    • Name: Set-WmiWwan
    • Description: Populates WMI with WWAN details
    • Setting type: Script
    • Data type: String
    • Discovery script
    • Add Script... > Open...: Set-WmiWwan.ps1
  6. Complaince Rules
    • None

Configuration Baseline

  1. Assets and Complaince / Compliance Settings / Configruation Baselines
  2. Create Configuration Baseline
    • Name: Wireless Wide Area Network
    • Description: Populates WMI with WWAN details
    • Configuration data
      1. Add > Configruation Items: Wireless Wide Area Network
  3. Deploy
    • Collection: Desired collection (I suggest making one for mobile devices)
    • Schedule
      • Simple schedule > Run every: 1 Days

Hardware Inventory

  1. Administration / Client Settings / Default Client Settings / Hardware Inventory / Set Classes...
  2. Import...: WWAN.mof