
be repo: https://github.com/bwapes/coffee-findr-be

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Project Details:

Name of the Project:

No Stars, No Bucks

Names of the Team Members:

Adrian Simental Nate Kruckenberg Joel Perez Brian McPhillips Ben Waples

Description of The Project:

An app that helps you find good coffee in a given location. Starbucks is always filtered out of the results.

With a page dedicated to educating the user on what coffee drinks are what.

Problem Domain:

It is hard to find good coffee in new places, especially when you don't want to drink coffee from chain coffee shops. We also wanted a place to keep track of our favorite coffee shops with notes about what drinks are good there.

List of Libraries and packages we used:

React Router Superagent Express Supertest

Instructions for users to use:

link to netlify

Clearly Defined Endpoints:


get all users favorites


get more info on a specific favorites


receive a location and get a list of coffee shops in that given location


add a users favorites coffee shops


edit a users notes on a specific coffee shops


delete a coffee shop from a users list of favorites coffee shops

Clearly Defined database schema

biz_id: 'YaUGYnfBjq1V-sI0BSokSQ-uniqueId',  
title: 'Coffee Shop',
img: 'http://placekitten.com/200/300',
address: 'asdfsdf',
is_closed: false,
rating: 5.0,
notes: 'your notes go here',
yelp_url: 'https://www.yelp.com/biz/ovation-coffee-and-tea-portland?adjust_creative=1kvmc9F-97bT0bHKFMMEUQ&utm_campaign=yelp_api_v3&utm_medium=api_v3_business_search&utm_source=1kvmc9F-97bT0bHKFMMEUQ',
lat: 'string',
lon: 'string',
city_lat: 'string',
city_lon: 'string'