No Stars, No Bucks
Adrian Simental Nate Kruckenberg Joel Perez Brian McPhillips Ben Waples
An app that helps you find good coffee in a given location. Starbucks is always filtered out of the results.
With a page dedicated to educating the user on what coffee drinks are what.
It is hard to find good coffee in new places, especially when you don't want to drink coffee from chain coffee shops. We also wanted a place to keep track of our favorite coffee shops with notes about what drinks are good there.
React Router Superagent Express Supertest
link to netlify
get all users favorites
get more info on a specific favorites
receive a location and get a list of coffee shops in that given location
add a users favorites coffee shops
edit a users notes on a specific coffee shops
delete a coffee shop from a users list of favorites coffee shops
biz_id: 'YaUGYnfBjq1V-sI0BSokSQ-uniqueId',
title: 'Coffee Shop',
img: '',
address: 'asdfsdf',
is_closed: false,
rating: 5.0,
notes: 'your notes go here',
yelp_url: '',
lat: 'string',
lon: 'string',
city_lat: 'string',
city_lon: 'string'