

Primary LanguageC#

ASP .Net Core (Razor Pages) sample app (with tests)

Designed to illustrate how buildpacks and supply chains work to build and deploy an application on Kubernetes. Should work just fine with VMware Tanzu Application Platform and VMware Tanzu Application Service.

Running Locally

dotnet run --project WebAppDemoCode

Running Tests

dotnet test

Viewing The Homepage

Point your browser tohttp://localhost:5001

Viewing The Messages REST Endpoint

Point your browser tohttp://localhost:5001/api/messages or follow the link on the homepage.

Running on VMware Tanzu Application Platform

tanzu apps workload apply dotnet-aspcore `
  --git-repo https://github.com/benwilcock/dotnet-aspcore `
  --git-branch dotnet-7-upgrade `
  --type web `
  --build-env BP_DOTNET_PROJECT_PATH=./WebAppDemoCode `
  --build-env BP_DOTNET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=7.0.0 `
  --label apps.tanzu.vmware.com/has-tests=true `
  --label app.kubernetes.io/part-of=dotnet-aspcore `
  --param-yaml testing_pipeline_matching_labels="{'apps.tanzu.vmware.com/pipeline':'test', 'apps.tanzu.vmware.com/language':'dotnet', 'apps.tanzu.vmware.com/version':'7.0'}" `
  --annotation autoscaling.knative.dev/minScale=1 `
  --tail --yes

Application Endpoints

  1. / HTML home page (shows a single page app containing a static image and some text). Contains a link to the source code.
  2. /api/messages REST Json [GET] (shows a single hardcoded message as part of a list of messages).


For a simple customisation, in the application code (in the appsettings.json file) change the name of the client property from "VMware" to something else and then commit/redeploy/restart.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "DemoClient": "VMware"

The homepage will then use the new name of the client in the text at the bottom of the page.

TODO: Vulnerability Scanning

Adding a known CVE:

Details here

Removing the CVE:

Details here