Mesh Smoothing with OpenMesh

Smoothing Algorithm

  • Laplacian Smoothing
    • lamda = 0.25
  • Taubin Smoothing
    • lamda = 0.5
    • mu = -0.67


Compiling OpenMesh (OpenMesh Documentation)

  1. Download OpenMesh via website or git

    • static version: OpenMesh Download Page
    • development version: git clone
  2. Unzip and build

    1. Unzip
    2. cd OpenMesh-6.1
    3. mkdir build
    4. cd build
    5. debug version: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
      release version: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    6. sudo make install


just make

if error while loading shared libraries
add "/usr/local/lib" in /etc/
sudo ldconfig


Laplacian Smoothing = 1
Taubin Smoothing = 2

  • ./smoothEx <algorithm> <times> <input obj file> <output obj file>
  • example of Laplacian Smoothing: ./smoothEx 1 50 input.obj output.obj
  • example of Taubin Smoothing: ./smoothEx 2 50 input.obj output.obj


  • filename.obj: only vertex and face
  • filename_n.obj: add vertex normal