
Project management of "Building Your Dream Smart Home"(NUS). Check out the link for our summer school vlog

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About Smart Home

Team Advisor

  • Dr. Tan Wee Kek(NUS)

Team Member

  • TANG BENXU 唐本旭(哈尔滨工业大学(深圳))
  • LIANG JIACHENG 梁嘉城(电子科技大学)
  • LUO YANG 罗洋(电子科技大学)
  • QING BOWEN 卿博文(南方科技大学)




History Summary of Teamwork


Group Project

section TANG BENXU

  • Research process and documentations (documentations are .md files. Check out the hyperlink)

  • Step 1,Recoginize human's face Face recoginizer V1.0

  • Step 2,Access video which was recorded by RPi (and stored on RPi) through File Transfer Protocol(FTP) Face recoginizer V2.0

  • Finally, the door (powerd by the servo) will open for the one whose face was registered before.

  • The idea map


  • Sourse code on RPi, laptop and 2 microbits.

  • Source code on Micro:bit A

  • Source code on Micro:bit B

  • Source code on RPi

  • Source code on laptop, including message and images receiving and image processing

  • Detail explanation of how the whole system work in English.

The botton (which simulates a door bell) connects with Micro:bit A through breadboard. Micro:bit A connects with RPi through USB cable (message transmitts by UART). Micro:bit B connects with the laptop and can receive message sent by radio from Micro:bit A.

If the button is pressed, RPi will receive a "botton is pressed" message from Micro:bit and start to record a short video of the face of "the guest". Laptop will then access run face recoginizing program on the video after receiving message. If the face is registered before, the laptop will send "true" through Micro:bit and start the servo and open the door. If the face isn't resistered, the door won't open.

  • Chinese version

按钮通过Breadboard接Micro:bit A,A通过USB连接树莓派;另一个Micro:bit B连接电脑段,负责接收A传输的信息(message transmitted by radio)同时将这个信息发送到电脑(message transmitted by USB UART)。若按钮按下,树莓派接收到信息就开始录像,电脑接收到信息后访问树莓派录制的视频并进行处理,即做人脸识别。如果识别出是注册过的人脸,则通过Micro:bit A 和 B 向树莓派发送True,否则发送Fasle,从而决定是否开门(通过servo模拟门的开关)。


section QIN BOWEN

  • File Transfer ProtocolFTP
  • 路由器配置
  • 蓝牙UART读取传感器数据,树莓派上处理数据,控制灯泡亮度;代码中包含与小程序的对接部分
  • 通过树莓派GPIO控制风扇转速;代码包含与小程序的对接部分

section LUO YANG

Assignment 1: Game

Sorce codes are included in the .md files(hyperlink)

Quick View

Our mission is to make our house a more comfortable and safe place to live in. We have smart IoT LEDs and Air-con/Fan, and a house security system based on computer version.


  • Mini program on mobile to control things in the house remotely
  • Front door with Face ID
  • Alarm with motion detect
  • Auto-adjusted smart LED and fan

Why We are Special

  • Our smart home is a ture IoT system, which is able to access to the Internet, instead of the local area network
  • Face ID and Motion detection programs are all based on open source library including OpenCV, codes are written by ourselves
  • We built a beautifully decorated paperboard house to do the simulation



We use markdown to write

  • Team Plan & Review
  • Gantt Chart
  • Documentation

Useful links

Google Coding Style

  • Google C++ Style Guide

    创新工场董事长兼 CEO 李开复曾经对 Google C++ 编码规范给予了极高的评价:“我认为这是地球上最好的一份 C++ 编程规范,没有之一,建议广大国内外 IT 研究使用。”

  • Doxygen annotating style

    需要文档化的注释统一使用Doxygen的注释风格,即/*! … */和//!和//!< 三种方法


    这样又同时符合了Google C++风格(Google推荐//和//2种,上面的三种方式是从这2种演变而来)