Finance bot for Telegram


Table of Contents

About The Project

This is a simple bot for Telegram. He helps me (and my family) to improve financial discipline. It can handle spendings, and aggregate them to fancy stats. For now, it is only self-hosted solution that requires docker and postgresql database. Also, it is only Russian language supported, but English is coming soon!



  • Category management (Add, edit, delete, move between category groups)
  • Category group management (Add, edit, delete categories)
  • Multiple users support: each one can insert spendings and see shared stats
  • Stats for any month by category groups and categories
  • Daily notifications that reminds to enter spendings
  • Subscriptions management (monthly payments with fixed amount)
  • Monthly limits for category groups


  • Multi-language
  • [Probably] multi-user support (like cloud solution, instead of self-hosted)

How to deploy

The bot can be deployed with docker. Here is example for docker-compose service:

version: '3.5'
    image: benyomin/finance-bot:latest
      - db

Environment variables

Use them to define mandatory settings and for some customization

Name Description Required Example
BOT_TOKEN Telegram bot token. Obtain it via BotFather Yes 12345:qwerty
DB_DSN Postgres connection string Yes "host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=finance_bot"
ADMITTED_USERS Users that allowed to use the bot. Format is string with JSON array of integers Yes "[12345, 67890]"
CURRENCY_CHAR Currency symbol. Yes "$"
IS_REMINDER_ENABLED Enable/disable daily reminder. Default value is true No true
REMINDER_HOUR Hour of the day when the reminder should be sent. No 21
REMINDER_MINUTE Same as above for minutes No 0
SUBSCRIPTION_HOUR Hour of the day when subscriptions should have been processed and user should receive notifications. No 10
SUBSCRIPTION_MINUTE Same as above for minutes No 0


Since the initial start command executed, bot is always listening for amount of spendings. After amount was sent, the bot will ask user to select category from inline keyboard. Initially it will contain 5 top categoryes by spending counts, but user can navigate categories menu and select the needed one.

Also, the bot supports some commands. Here are they:

  • /categories — Categories and Category groups management
  • /stats — Pie plot for current month. Also, can be used with explicit month /stats month_number or with explicit month and year /stats month_number year
  • /limits — Show monthly limits dashboard for category groups with enabled limits


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