
RESTful API using Express (Node.Js), PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Docker and Docker Compose

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of contents

General info

This project implement Tweets RESTful API using Express (Node.Js), PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Docker and Docker Compose. The client can post tweets, like a tweet, retweet, get all tweets or get all retweet.


Description for each file:


  • Tweet - Tweet model fields are textContent, username, timestamp
  • Like - Like model fields are username, TweetId(belongsTo Relation), timestamp
  • ReTweet - ReTweet model fields are username, TweetId(belongsTo Relation), timestamp


  • tweetController - tweetController func are: create tweet in db, find all tweets, validate fields when creating tweet
  • likeController - likeController func are: create like, validate fields when creating like
  • retweetController - retweetController func are: create retweet in db, find all retweets, validate fields when creating retweet


  • tweets - tweets routs are:

    • GET /tweets - Get all tweets
    • POST /tweets - Post tweet
    • POST /tweets/[:id]/likes - Create like to a tweet by tweet id
    • POST /tweets/[:id]/retweet - Create retweet to a tweet by tweet id
  • retweets - tweets routs are:

    • GET /retweets - Get all retweets

Additional files:

  • server - Create tables if needed and run server
  • db - Create Sequelize ORM, define models relations (connect to db)
  • Dockerfile - Dockerfile for app
  • docker-compose - Docker compose file to run multi-container microservice applications.


To build and run project (after installation):

  • Navigate (in a terminal) into the ~/BackendDevelopmentExercise folder.
  • Run docker-compose build for your first build and when you have made changes.
  • Run docker-compose up to run all the services.