don’t touch me!

I’m actually working at the moment. It seems that the automatic Travis compilation isn’t doing anything at the moment. Check which commit adds this line to find out which change actually changes the displayed pdf.

Thesis template:

Reed is in development, may have good M$ Word export soon

Reed uses multiple chapters.

changes from Monash:

I modified the monashwp.sty, it’s now benyomin.wp.sty

uses my uni logo

uses US not UK dates

seems to be


single preamble is separate, then all chapters in one File?

rather than


distributed as thesisdown package

“`{r} devtools::install_github(“ismayc/thesisdown”) “` ****

this is not sourced on github, that file is

make the .md from this .org using pandoc on travis (priority: very low)

this directory is stored on

it is public, be careful what you type or put here.

Webpage for thesis proposal.

Data Sources:


Household Expenditure Survey, 2002-2015


The World Bank - file is included with the project as: /rawData/Data_Extract_From_World_Development_Indicators/0e59101e-51e1-4d8b-a2c1-94d8c676e667_Data.csv source: click “Download Options” “csv”


1.5.3 - use marchDraft ; fix Hmisc dependency (survival > 0.4)

1.3.7 - actually compiled once, adding local copy of savesym.sty, apt-get installs a very old version of tex-live, I’m using a newer from a .deb, but there is a problem with installing packages on the fly that are declared with \require{package} in a .tex file

1.3.9 - works, except for text below H3, which overflows the margins, possible I commented out the H3 definition. Will make section H2 without a subheading for workaround.

1.4 - script to download Carlito font and install to tex-live distribution

1.4.1 - try to send log files back to github

1.4.2 - builds locally after removing ukdate dependency (this fixed no /begin document)

1.4.3 - file xpatch.sty

1.4.4 - builds on travis! after tlmgr install kpfonts

1.4.5 - gh-publisher fixes

1.4.6 - trash gh-publisher branch

1.4.7 - deploy unit tests

1.4.8 - rebase, working Makefile

1.4.9 - webpage working

1.5 - kislevDraft.Rmd

remove reproducibility section

remove references that aren’t cited

remove JEL classifications

1.5.1 - kanban

1.5.2 - use febDraft

View latest version.

Leave comments as Issues.

This piece of reproducible research

compiles a Rmarkdown document consisting of code and narrative into a pdf.

Webpage which displays latest compiled proof of the project uses github publisher.

[Dr. Phil Marshall]( [Ewan Mellor](