
Media Station X - GitHub Pages Example

Media Station X - GitHub Pages Example

This project shows a way to host Media Station X JSON files via GitHub Pages.

For more information about the Media Station X project, please visit: https://msx.benzac.de/info/.

Create Repository (From Scratch)

Setup Start Parameter

  • Go to your corresponding application store (please see: https://msx.benzac.de/info/?tab=PlatformSupport)
  • Install and launch the Media Station X application
  • Navigate to SettingsStart ParameterSetup
  • Set the security lock (for HTTPS mode) and enter: {ACCOUNT}.github.io (in this case: benzac-de.github.io)
  • Once you have completed the start parameter setup, your content is loaded every time you start the application

Test In Browser

Example Screenshots

GitHub Pages Example

Example Video

GitHub Pages Example