
Old eXperience GTK+ 2.x theming engine (deprecated)

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

General Infos

This is the eXperience GTK-2 engine. Created by Benjamin Berg
<benjamin@sipsolutions.net> with some help of his brother Johannes.

This engine is a new GTK-2 engine, to create pixmap based themes. It is
much more flexible than the old pixbuf (aka. pixmap) engine. It allows
to draw widget as a stack of multiple images. The recolor command gives
you the possibility to easily customize the colors used throughout the theme.

To have a glance at the impressive features of this engine, you should
have a look at the different color schemes of the eXperience GTK-Theme.



Known bugs:
 * There are no known engine bugs right now. (Well actually, I believe there
   might be problems with global variables)

Other bugs that deserve mentioning (but are not engine bugs):
 * There is a galeon crash with the eXperience theme. This crash is not
   engine related!
 * Some icons are broken. (This is gdk bug #306364)

If you happen to find any bugs, please contact me.


You might need to run ./configure with --prefix=/usr, so that the engine
will be found by gtk.


To deinstall the engine delete the created libexperience.so and
libexperience.la files.
You will probably find them in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines/


There is a debian (i386 only) package available from:
deb http://benjamin.sipsolutions.net/debian/ unstable/

In the repository there are also packages for the eXperience GTK-Theme and
the eXperience icon theme.


I have created some description about the engine and its features at
There you find the different possible options for images, groups, etc.

If you have any questions, or problems please mail me!


I have moved to git for development now. A public repository will be setup