
An app to allow teacher to keep track of student marks

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An app to allow teacher to keep track of student marks

Where to use it

This app is build to be deployed in a client/server fashion. So any computer with node.js and mongodb could be used. Then the clients will access this app throw web.

App aims

Teachers uses a notebook to keep tracks of the marks they gave to students. The bad side of this way of doing is that, there is no calculation possiblefor the teacher. Plus teacher need to keep this notebook with them. Worth point of all is that teachers need to fill this notebook, then copy all these notes to the a computer to produce report card for students and parents.

So, Notebook's aims is to replace thoses notebooks. In addition to the ability to keep tracks of notes, Notebook give multiple computation for free.

For exemple class average is available at any time.


Users needs to login into the system using twitter accout system. Create/list/update/delete students Create/list/update/delete groups Create/list examination for a group

For currentuser only: Select the current group Select the current step

Noticable points

This apps aims elementary schools teachers. So eacher teacher has only one group at the time.

It's entended to help them since for a year, the only notes they will give will be for this group