
Splunk app for calculating great-circle distances for security ops, demographic analysis, etc.

Primary LanguagePython

Haversine is a Splunk app which calculates great-circle distance using geospacial data.  It is intended to augment event data which includes latitude and longitude. Units are in kilometers by default, but optionally represented in miles.

Potential applications include determining user demogrpahics for website access via geoip lookups, calculating speed of travel between two events, etc.. Many users of Haversine have utilized it for inferring potential user account compromise.

This Splunk app is available via apps.splunk.com, supports Splunk versions 4.0+, is free of charge, and is platform independent. Please see Readme.txt inside the app folder for more information. It is recommended that users install the app via Splunk directly rather than using this repository.

Copyright Steve Maresca 2012-2015