
shutters : energy not defined in this scope

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, got a compilation error on tasmocompiler V11 , while compiling tasmota 13.1.0
error was : energy : not defined in this scope, the error occured while compiling the shutter thing.
i guess there is now a dependency to the energy sensors on the shutter code.

i compiled again , WITH the energy tickbox ticked, and then got a success.
i dont know if your interface manages the dependencies of this kind automatically, just in case i report this , if this can help a bit some people lost with compilation errors.

indeed thanks for this software, this is very helpful to test features of tasmota.


Thanks for the hint.
Yes I have implemented "dependencies" mechanism in TC so it need to be adjusted.

I am having the same issue..... Thanks for the easy GUI tool.

Thanks for pointing out the shortcomings. It should be fixed now.
Happy Tasmotizing!