- 3
Buzzer disapeared in latest TasmoCompiler versions
#414 opened by aldweb - 0
Compiling Webcam & IR function stops with failure?
#412 opened by RaW79 - 2
enable rangeextender
#393 opened by hubecker - 11
Build is missing Modbus features with Modbus checked.
#344 opened by JanX2 - 2
Compiling esp32 Webcam with Ultrasonic Sensor support results in "missing NewPing.h"
#408 opened by andreasbehnke - 4
[compilation error] xnrg_15_teleinfo.ino:38:10: fatal error: LibTeleinfo.h: No such file or directory
#405 opened by miky2k - 9
- 1
No bluetooth on esp32 C2
#406 opened by miky2k - 2
Tasmocomp 12 - RF-Transceiver
#403 opened by bobybobybob - 5
integration with VINDRIKTNING
#399 opened by piotrwozniak - 5
Tasmota v14 cannot be used as source
#400 opened by ThinkPadNL - 5
BME680 Sensor
#402 opened by bobybobybob - 2
Compile error
#397 opened by mtibi75 - 4
- 2
Adding a "tick box" feature for pipsolar option
#396 opened by ouinouin - 2
Enabling Air/Gas Sensors doesn't enable SGP40
#335 opened by richard-scott - 3
shutters : energy not defined in this scope
#390 opened by ouinouin - 3
ESP32-S2 & S3 missing Bluetooth feature option.
#386 opened by mrjackson - 0
Local compile instead of gitpod
#388 opened by teaalltr - 6
IPv6 firmware with TasmotaCompiler
#383 opened by Andre0be - 1
Firmware to big for device.
#385 opened by mattlward - 4
- 3
Support for Tasmota V13.3
#381 opened by Noschvie - 0
broken link to Wiki
#378 opened by bam80 - 3
[feature request] add ESP8266 4MB build variant
#380 opened by bam80 - 9
Tasmota v13 cannot be used as source
#362 opened by ThinkPadNL - 1
make latest Tasmota release always available to build
#382 opened by bam80 - 1
HDMI CEC flag not working?
#384 opened by claybratt - 10
Enabling MI32 Homekit
#337 opened by steini72 - 2
Unattended/programmatic compile
#377 opened by milkpirate - 5
Problem with ESP32 and bluetooth: NimBLEDevice.h
#375 opened by Smandurlo - 6
Refresh Source: "Unable to CLEAN repository"
#374 opened by alexdelprete - 3
- 1
option to check for standard tasmota bin
#371 opened by Shiroe93 - 1
- 1
esp32 webcam, missing librarys temp/hum sensors
#366 opened by roschme - 4
Including BLE support causes an error: NimBLEDevice.h
#361 opened by gdudek - 2
Compile tasmota, add "option -DUSE_4K_RSA" problem
#365 opened by wei1980okb - 1
esp32-cam ai-thinker compile with BME280 fails
#364 opened by ubeaut - 0
Compile specific branch
#356 opened by relyd - 1
Compiler error
#353 opened by rj10rd - 3
Support the project - String translation
#350 opened by bovirus - 5
Tasmota v12.5.0 cannot be used as source
#346 opened by ThinkPadNL - 1
Failed compilation for tasmota32-webcam and Temperature/humidity sensors feature
#345 opened by suisk1ptitmotard - 9
Add in the interface selection for custom preset
#340 opened by bovirus - 1
- 5
Litte Feature Request link to main website
#338 opened by bobybobybob - 0
Italian language not update in final version
#339 opened by bovirus - 2
Option for ESP32S3 board "qio_opi" needed
#334 opened by rug1024 - 1