
inline tools

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status PyPi Version Licence


  • popup inlines


  • make django inlines more consistent with it's delete behaviour


  • inlines for non admin change views


In your settings, add to INSTALLED_APPS


Popup Inlines

Instead of stacked or tabular inlines, you'll use a PopupInline. You'll further need to register your inline model with the normal admin.site, otherwise the opened popup cannt show you a add-/changeform. For now, this means that the model will show up in django admin dashboard and in my_app's app overview. Hope to find a way to hide it.

from django.contrib import admin
from inline_addons.admin import PopupInline, PopupInlineAdmin

from my_app.models import ParentModel, InlineModel

class InlineModelInline(PopupInline):
    model = InlineModel2
    # popup only: for now, no fields can be edited in the "inline" itself, make sure they are
    # all excluded! one day, this might be automated...
    exclude = ['title', ]
    # if you dont, PopupInline will enforce extra=0
    # other values are not tested / supported
    extra = 0

class ParentModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [InlineModelInline, ]

class InlineModelAdmin(PopupInlineAdmin):
    # this is needed, will not work otherwise
    fk_name = 'parent'

admin.site.register(InlineModel, InlineModelAdmin)
admin.site.register(ParentModel, ParentModelAdmin)