
Probably neat tool for automated updating of some kind of projects

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Project updater

Automating your painfully crafted update routines. Created for updating my django projects, could be used otherwise. Contains a helper for migrating from south to django migrations (south2django).


pip install -e git+https://github.com/benzkji/project-updater



For bigger updates, you would probably create a branch update-xy. Start your update work. At every step where you need some shell scripts executet, create a tag, for example update-xy-1. In your project dir, have a folder update-xy, therein, place a file update-xy-1.sh. This shell script will be executed in the automated udpate process.

cd to_your_project_root
project_updater --name=update-7.2

What it does:

  • Get all git tags that start with update-7.2
  • For every tag found, execute it's script if available (update-name/tagname.sh)
  • If there is a break file found, execution is aborted, for manual hands on (update-name/tagname.break)
  • If at startup, the current tag name matches a tag in the tag list, execution will start right after


--name TEXT          Name of your update and folder where we'll look for shell scripts. Example: update-4.7.   [required]
--tag-prefix TEXT    Prefix of your update tags. If empty, name is used. Example: update-4.7-
--project-path TEXT  Root path of project, if not `.`
--start-after TEXT   Start after this step/tag.
--silent TEXT        Always yes, no breaks.
--help               Show this message and exit.


recursivly rename migrations to south_migrations, add migrations folder with __init__.py, for a fresh start with django 1.7+.


--project-path TEXT  Root path of project, if not .