
Wykop API client for Java.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

What is Wykop4j?

Wykop4j is a simple Wykop SDK for Java. Inspired by wykop-sdk-reborn. It's just a PoC version. The API might change in the future. If you have found a bug or have an idea how to improve that project just create an issue, I will do my best to help you ;)

If you'd like to read more there's also a wiki written in Polish.

Getting started


Check Releases for the latest available version and add those lines to your:

  • pom.xml
  • gradle.build
implementation group: 'io.github.benzwreck', name: 'wykop4j', version: 'x.y.z'

Creating WykopClient

To create an instance of WykopClient you will need your ApplicationCredentials and optionally UserCredentials (keep in mind that some methods will not work if UserCredentials is not passed). How to get one? Check out this (Polish).

WykopClient wykop = new WykopClientBuilder()
    .applicationCredentials(new ApplicationCredentials("appkey", "secret"))
    .userCredentials(new UserCredentials("login", "accountkey"))

Using WykopClient

We start off with wykop.methodName() which returns some Chain<Something> and then we can execute our code synchronously with .execute() or asynchronously with .executeAsync().

Optional<Entry> entry = wykop.getEntry(entryId).execute();

CompletableFuture<Optional<Entry>> entry = wykop.getEntry(entryId).executeAsync();

List<Entry> entries = wykop.getEntriesStream().execute();

All methods that have been implemented so far are shown here (Polish only).

Plans for the future

  • Support async operations.
  • Implement missing API methods. (It's half done because I'm still getting AuthorizationException on Profile's methods ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I see no point in implementing Login methods)
  • Make API less Stringly typed (sometimes official documentation does not provide necessary data to ensure possible return type).
  • Add more configuration features.
  • Replace Okhttp with Java 11 Http Client.
  • Replace Jackson with own json mapping implementation.
  • Rewrite this project to Kotlin or create new one.

External dependencies

  • Http client: OkHttp 4.7.2
  • Json mapper: Jackson 2.12.1